Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why now?

A few years back the church I attended manned a water station at the Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon in Virginia Beach. Each year I said to myself, "I am going to run this next year" yet I never did. I have never been a runner, nor been interested in exercise of any kind; so I was not surprised that the year came and went without a nod given to my statement.
(Fast forward a few years and many pounds.)
Last November I fell in my backyard while exiting my shed. My hand swelled and I could not move a thing thus requiring me to see a doctor. The Patient First doctor asked who my primary care physician was so that he could send the report to them. I don't have one. Why would I, I never get sick. After sharing this information I was promptly informed, "Krista, you are 30, it all goes downhill from here. Things are going to start falling apart and you need a doctor to keep tabs on your health." While I don't agree with him still, it was a sobering statement. I was 30 years old, 25 pounds over weight, diabetes in my future, and a 2 year old at my leg.
What does Faith have to do with my decision to run? Everything. She is my mini me. What I am now, she will one day be, unless I do something about it. I don't want to end up with diabetes, and I don't want her to either. So what was I willing to do about it?

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