Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spiritual implications

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Yes, this passage is talking about sexual immorality, but I cannot help but apply this to health as well. If my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I am to honor God with my body, then my health is a direct reflection on what I think God is worthy of inhabiting or owning. A temple is built with a solid foundation, magnificent pillars & decorations that spare no expense; all honoring God and inviting Him to be present. How am I respecting and honoring God with this body?

I am not. I fill it with foods that are not naturally made by Him, I sit on my butt and watch TV shows that don't glorify Him, and I certainly don't make the focus of what I see in the mirror about Him. I have created an unwelcome environment in what should be His temple. So what do I do about it?

New habits are created in 21 days right? Well, then for starters I will not watch TV for 21 days unless I am watching it with Mike (our little "date" nights). So from now September 19th through October 9th I will not turn the TV on. I will fill that time with studying His word, and planning meals so that I also no longer fill this body with crap. I will commit to making wholesome meals that are planned ahead of time and include foods that HE created, not some man made machine. For 21 days anyone can do anything. I can do this.

I believe I can do this. But, in order to keep myself accountable I am going to post what we ate, and what I studied. This is the only way I know I will follow through. I fail when I do things alone. Doing this for God, and humbly bringing my past failures to light through writing, I know the next 21 days will be a time of growth, repentance, and new life. And I pray that I will not stop at 21.


  1. Awesome job Krista!! Good luck and I will also keep you in my prayers along your journey for 21 days and beyond!!

  2. Thanks Meredith! I will definitely need them. I lack self control above all things, so this will definitely be a testament to Gods goodness because I will only be able to do it with His strength.

  3. I'm keeping you accountable. I want a post on food and scripture!
