Saturday, September 18, 2010

What to wear? Every Girls Dilema.

When it comes to knowing how to prepare for a race I don't even have a clue of where to begin. I think of shoes. But then, how does one even know where to begin there if there's no knowledge of running results to base a decision off. Then I go to shorts, because that should be easy. Well not so much. Moisture wicking, jogging, running, athletic, running skirt? My goodness. There's a running skirt? Hmm, will have to come back to that one. Sports bras, running shirts, headbands, or hats? What about a water belt? GPS watch? Seriously. Ok, I thought I was just signing up to run. And why in the world do I have to pay $85 to run on a city street?
So these are all questions that this novice has about the running world. To find my answers I have started buying running magazines, checking out running forums, and getting my hands on any advice from expert runners. I am still confused, but learning a bit more. I guess the only true way to know if something will work for me is to give it a try and either check it, or cross it, on my list.
So I am going to do just that. I'll hit some thrift stores this week to see if I can find any newish stuff, and maybe see if any companies out there are offering products in exchange for reviews.
Oh, and why does a pair of socks cost $20? Are they lined in gold?

Spiritual implications

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Yes, this passage is talking about sexual immorality, but I cannot help but apply this to health as well. If my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I am to honor God with my body, then my health is a direct reflection on what I think God is worthy of inhabiting or owning. A temple is built with a solid foundation, magnificent pillars & decorations that spare no expense; all honoring God and inviting Him to be present. How am I respecting and honoring God with this body?

I am not. I fill it with foods that are not naturally made by Him, I sit on my butt and watch TV shows that don't glorify Him, and I certainly don't make the focus of what I see in the mirror about Him. I have created an unwelcome environment in what should be His temple. So what do I do about it?

New habits are created in 21 days right? Well, then for starters I will not watch TV for 21 days unless I am watching it with Mike (our little "date" nights). So from now September 19th through October 9th I will not turn the TV on. I will fill that time with studying His word, and planning meals so that I also no longer fill this body with crap. I will commit to making wholesome meals that are planned ahead of time and include foods that HE created, not some man made machine. For 21 days anyone can do anything. I can do this.

I believe I can do this. But, in order to keep myself accountable I am going to post what we ate, and what I studied. This is the only way I know I will follow through. I fail when I do things alone. Doing this for God, and humbly bringing my past failures to light through writing, I know the next 21 days will be a time of growth, repentance, and new life. And I pray that I will not stop at 21.

Setting a goal

I am not a consistent person. Though I have plenty of initiative I lack follow through; there are very few things that I have started and finished. This is a fact that I am not proud of by any means. I know this, yet it continues. I needed something that I could start and finish that would improve my health, and set a standard for my future. What in the world could I try that I had not already attempted?
In comes Ashley. Though miles separate us, our friendship has not wavered. She lives in Little Rock, AR, I in Portsmouth, VA. =( So one day we are talking and she shares with me that she and a friend have started running. Good for her I think. Then she says they are actually training for a 1/2 marathon. HUH?
Now there was a surprise. Ashley and I are a lot alike when it comes to exercise, what's the point? When we lived together in Oklahoma we got a Golds Gym membership together and did pretty well, until it became aware that it was more of a pick up joint. Then we lost interest. Neither of us were unhealthy. We lived pretty active lifestyles of biking, hiking and camping, so considered that to be our exercise. That was 11 years ago. She has continued that lifestyle, I on the other hand moved to Virginia, got married and had a baby. There are no hiking places around me and pedestrians are not too welcome on the city streets. So you can guess how I got the extra 25 pounds. Excuses.
So she's training to run a 1/2 marathon. This definitely piqued my interest. She explained her training plan, and what their goal was. It sounded easy enough. So I had her send me the information. After looking it over I decided that I too was going to finally get it together and run a half marathon.
I jumped on our local running stores website to check out what local runs I could participate in, and low and behold, the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon was staring me right in the face.
So there it is. My nemesis! =) I couldn't help but chuckle and believe that God was smiling with me. Looking further I also found a 1/2 marathon in NC that I could run in November. So I decided right then and there that I was going to run a 1/2 marathon before this year was out. I set up a bake sale to raise money for entrance fees, new footwear, and hotel. I started telling everyone I knew about my plans. I wanted everyone to know so I couldn't back out.
I have raised enough money to pay for my entrance fees. Now I just need to figure out my footwear and the hotel. But the most important thing to me, is that I have a goal, and a means to accomplish it. Start to Finish.

Why now?

A few years back the church I attended manned a water station at the Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon in Virginia Beach. Each year I said to myself, "I am going to run this next year" yet I never did. I have never been a runner, nor been interested in exercise of any kind; so I was not surprised that the year came and went without a nod given to my statement.
(Fast forward a few years and many pounds.)
Last November I fell in my backyard while exiting my shed. My hand swelled and I could not move a thing thus requiring me to see a doctor. The Patient First doctor asked who my primary care physician was so that he could send the report to them. I don't have one. Why would I, I never get sick. After sharing this information I was promptly informed, "Krista, you are 30, it all goes downhill from here. Things are going to start falling apart and you need a doctor to keep tabs on your health." While I don't agree with him still, it was a sobering statement. I was 30 years old, 25 pounds over weight, diabetes in my future, and a 2 year old at my leg.
What does Faith have to do with my decision to run? Everything. She is my mini me. What I am now, she will one day be, unless I do something about it. I don't want to end up with diabetes, and I don't want her to either. So what was I willing to do about it?