Saturday, September 10, 2011

Marathon spot sold...what next

Well, I decided to just sell my spot.  Now I'm trying to decide, will I be able to recover in time for a september triathalon. The Sandman Tri is here at the beach, so it's local, which would allow my family and friends to come cheer me on if they so choose. I am a pretty strong swimmer, but wondering if I would do the swim (1 kilometer with the current 50 yards from the shore) then the bike ride (15 miles) then the run (5k). I don't have a pool, so that's also a problem. How can I train for that portion. If I do find one I will probably have to swim with weights on make each lap more difficult. I also have a mountain bike, not a speed bike. So will that be ok?
Now obviously I wouldn't be trying for an award or anything. The baby is due in the middle of February. That gives me 6 months (after 1 month  of recovery before starting to get out there) to prepare myself just to complete it. Now I just need to find a pool, or join the YMCA but that's quite expensive.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well, it looks like I won't be running in the marathon this year. I will have to post pone the marathon until 2012. I can't say I am too sad about it. We are expecting. Wahoo! so yes, surprise surprise. I have been advised that I can still run, just not the Marathon. So I will still keep up with my 3 mile runs and do more if I think I can. It's all new right now. We are excited for the addition to our family and look forward to what God has planned for this next year.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I am a slacker at writing. I don't write my friends, or my family. So what in the world made me think I could keep up with a blog. I'm not sure. At any rate I started this one last year when I was training for the Richmond 1/2 Marathon. I started it mainly for accountability purposes, but also to track my progress. I'm not consistent enough to ever dream of being able to review products, so not sure how that thought came into my mind. But I do have several products that I will review on my own, just for the heck of it. One day I may print these out in book format so I can have a record of my progress. Who knows.
At any rate I'm back. After several months of trying to simplify my life I am slowly getting there. I no longer have a facebook account, I have ended my responsibility with several groups that I participated in, and I have become pretty good at saying no to things that I don't feel lead to do. Then we put our house on the market to sell and my time was all of the sudden filled up again. C'est la vie right!?

The Richmond Half Marathon
What a fantastic event in which to participate! I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone in the Virginia area, and especially for first time racers. Everyone is so friendly and encouraging. The neighborhoods are lined with residents cheering you on. People have stereos on their porches to provide music along the way. Signs of encouragement lined the paths. My favorite was this huge sign that read "Quiters hold signs like this. Good job runners!" Made me laugh!!!

Things we learned:
Make sure you make arrangements for dinner the night before though. Either bring your own, or plan on ordering carry out from Olive garden or wherever. ALL of the restaurants in the area were PACKED!!!!!!! Would also be a good idea to have someone that is not running drive you there and drop you off. Parking was a nightmare. We almost missed the start. YIKES. That was not fun having to worry about. Thankfully we found a church that had one space I was able to squeeze into. They were so nice and let us use their bathrooms too. Bring a safety pin for the time tracker they give you. I happened to have some extras and we were able to pin our tracker band to our shoes so we didn't have to worry about it coming off. Super glad I did.

My Training:
My training didn't go as well as I had planned. Running with a two year old hinders one a little bit as far as time is concerned. The farthest I was ever able to run on before the race was 5 miles. Then I also took a boot camp class that actually didn't end until the week after the race. Brilliant me went to the class 2 days before the race and we did four sets of stair drills up and down Mt Trashmore. NOT A SMART THING TO DO 2 DAYS BEFORE RUNNING 13.1 MILES!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in case anyone was wondering. My calves still hurt at the starting line.

The Race:
Just out of the starting line I saw an orange tracking band on the ground. Oh how upset I am sure that person was. Immediately made me grateful for the extra safety pin security! =)
Like I said, my calves hurt. We got started and I was worried about how I was going to do ( our plan was to finish around 2:45-3hrs). The tightness thankfully let up around mile 2 or 3. My partner, Christa, was such a great encouragement. We ran together the whole way except for one bathroom stop that I took, and the final 1/4 mile. We talked the whole time, and she was so great about splitting it up into mini races that the daunting task wasn't so scary. I think it was around mile 5 or so that we realized that was the first time we had ever hung out. We didn't do our training together and even though we go to church functions together and talked quite a bit, we had never hung out. Silly. We made a great team though. We kept each other motivated and when we saw how well we were doing on time we made a new goal of finishing before 2:35.
We were pacing so much better my mom almost missed us at the half way point, and then again at the finish line. She had just barely made it to both spots when she saw  me. It was such a great encouragement to see her and Faith at the half way point. It gave me the get up and go that I needed!

Post Race Thoughts:
We truly had an amazing experience together and because of that we've decided to run the Marine Corp Marathon 2011. My kneed gave me some trouble starting at mile 12 and kept up until 2 weeks after the race. Thankfully my Uncle Bill is a two time Iron Man participator and has given me some great exercises to help strengthen my knees for the future. We have a race training plan we are trying to follow. This Friday will be 8 miles. Next will be 10. I will keep this posted (hopefully) for nothing other than motivation to keep myself improving. Do I believe anyone cares. No. I'm not that important and would never pretend to me. But I love to get my thoughts out in words. So why not! Plus, an online journal is one less thing hanging around the house I am trying to sell.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Finding motivation...It's all about the music

Lately I have felt very overwhelmed. What in the world was I thinking signing up to run a 1/2 marathon. I am not a runner. What a waste of money. I should have just done a 10K for starters. I paid my dues and bought some running gear, but now I have no money for shoes, and I certainly can't run this race as the minimalist I desire to be because I haven't had adequate time to retrain my body for that. What in the world was I thinking....
This morning I woke up knowing that I needed to run today. Not just because I need to get my body ready for the race, but because I have felt my emotions getting a little off kilter and my mind running away with itself (and let me tell you, it's too little to be out by itself). So I decided that I would run today no matter what the little voice in my head was telling me. I don't have a running partner that is Portsmouth local and interested in running the race with me, so I need to learn how to be okay running alone. So music is my partner.

I need some advice on quickly good songs to run to, so if you have any suggestions let me know. For now I created a folder on my Ipod entitled Running and I went through my library of songs and picked out what I thought would be the most motivating. I started off with Cardio Coach which I truly believe was the best decision. Because of his constant encouragement and guidance I just kept going. Then threw on some other songs that I now know wont cut it. I found this blog that I could definitely relate to and really liked the suggestions that she and her readers had on music. So I guess now I just need to check it out. I don't want any swearing so I know that will limit me.

So, my run today was good. It felt great to be out there jogging. I walked a bit more than I had to, but I am so close to the race I don't want to screw up. I want to complete this. I know that I will probably use a good portion of the 4 hours allowed to complete it, but I'm ok with that. I am definitely a bit freaked out about it, but I guess that's a good thing, it will keep me going.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shedding the inches and seconds

When I started this journey it was to help me get healthy and I knew I would lose weight while doing so. A few months before I decided to run the 1/2 marathon I had purchased a pair of jeans that were too small for me, but I just loved the cut and knew that I could fit into them one day soon. I am happy to report that I was able to start wearing them in August. I am even happier to say that I now require a belt with those jeans. This means that I am almost half the size I was last fall. Well, in terms of pant size anyway.

This is FANTASTIC if you ask me. I feel better, I look better, I can move easier. Win, Win, Win.
Yesterday I started my second boot camp class. Though my push ups and sit ups were pathetic I was able to run 1.2 miles in under 10 minutes. I am so excited about my progress.

So, since January I have dropped 10 lbs, gone from a size 14 to an 8, and cut 5 minutes off my mile. Sweet.

Now I just need to go shopping since I no longer have ANY clothes that fit me.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rain Rain go away

We have had one soggy week here. I don't have any rain gear for Faith or we have been stuck indoors. Thankfully I am participating in the Adventure Bootcamp for Women so I still got some grueling workouts in to keep my blood pumping.
The last two weeks have been a serious of Peaks and valleys in my life and I have learned many lessons. First and most importantly, I cannot live without God as my guide and protector. He is the rock on which I must stand , the shoulder I cry on, and my ultimate encourager. His grace is sufficient, not only for myself, but for everyone. I am amazed at the work that he has done in my own heart and those around me. Things that I never imagined being a thorn in my life, he has turned into a rose bush. God is amazing. I am NEVER alone.
Second to that? Exercise is an amazing outlet. Running is the best. To feel the pavement beneath your feet, and the wind all around is so refreshing. To have the power and control to speed up or slow down at whim is a reminder of how amazing Gods human creation is. To just walk out the door and go with minimal preperation or expense, what could be better. I wish that I had caught on to running when I was younger, but there is a time for everything right! =)
This whole week has been dampened, no soaked, by rain from a tropical storm. Our streets, freeways, backyards and driveways are all flooded. So, needless to say even if I did have rain gear I would not have been able to make it out the door to give it a go.
When i woke up this morning I could FINALLY walk out my door without getting soaked. YAY! So Sharon and I threw on our shoes and went for a short and quick run. It felt great. Now I am off to Adventure boot camp for women to get my butt kicked again. I love the burn!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What to wear? Every Girls Dilema.

When it comes to knowing how to prepare for a race I don't even have a clue of where to begin. I think of shoes. But then, how does one even know where to begin there if there's no knowledge of running results to base a decision off. Then I go to shorts, because that should be easy. Well not so much. Moisture wicking, jogging, running, athletic, running skirt? My goodness. There's a running skirt? Hmm, will have to come back to that one. Sports bras, running shirts, headbands, or hats? What about a water belt? GPS watch? Seriously. Ok, I thought I was just signing up to run. And why in the world do I have to pay $85 to run on a city street?
So these are all questions that this novice has about the running world. To find my answers I have started buying running magazines, checking out running forums, and getting my hands on any advice from expert runners. I am still confused, but learning a bit more. I guess the only true way to know if something will work for me is to give it a try and either check it, or cross it, on my list.
So I am going to do just that. I'll hit some thrift stores this week to see if I can find any newish stuff, and maybe see if any companies out there are offering products in exchange for reviews.
Oh, and why does a pair of socks cost $20? Are they lined in gold?